2024项目主题 & 研讨会

主讲人 & 面板

Keynote Lecture: From Climate to Health: What we know and How We Can Take Action
Dr. 雪莉,魏瑟 -(小组:博士. 魏瑟博士. 米尔斯坦, & Dr. Kouklis)
This talk will focus on the mechanisms by which climate change affects health and widens health disparities among disproportionately impacted populations.  使用演讲者研究中的例子, 探索粮食、水等安全保障机制, 迁移和位移, vector-host迁移, 基础设施腐蚀, 亲密伴侣暴力.  We will also discuss examples of solutions that have environmental and health co-benefits, 并帮助人们适应气候变化的负面影响.    


卫生系统弹性 & 与热有关的疾病 
Dr. 盖尔Kouklis
探索气候变化的影响, 气温变暖, 以及对健康的影响, while reviewing austere management of heat illness and how those skills can be translated to hospital medicine, including a discussion of tools for heat resilience and a bit about climate migration in the face of heat.

吉娜·谢苗诺夫斯卡娅,医学博士,FAWM, ISTM
Climate change significantly influences migration patterns by driving extreme weather events, 比如火灾和洪水, 会造成立即的位移. 与此同时, 长期环境变化, 包括海平面上升, 增加温度, 沙漠化, and reduced agricultural productivity change the makeup of entire communities, 家庭和个人被迫搬迁. These climate induced-migrations often exacerbate existing socioeconomic vulnerabilities, 进一步摧毁挣扎中的社区, while straining the resources in receiving areas and causing social and political unrest. 买球app软件下载将讨论气候引起的移民的原因和后果, 哪些变化可以而且必须实现, 以及买球app软件下载如何共同努力,创造一个更可持续的未来.

Dr. 安德鲁·莱万多夫斯基,做FAAP
This session will explore some of the physical and mental health dangers that are encountered by environmental refugees. Content will be taught through a story-telling lens to better immerse session participants in what it feels like to be displaced by climate change-related disasters. 

Anna Lussier,医学博士研究生

My current work focuses on the intersection of global health and the marine environment, 重点关注移民和难民最近面临的日益严重的危险. My lecture will discuss my ongoing research on the numerous health and environmental risks faced by those traveling across the southern border, 对未来政策的影响, 潜在的干预措施, 以及对EMS响应的影响, 卫生系统和边境社区.

The climate crisis and health -- the role of the California health community in advocacy and creating change.
Dr. 阿曼达·米尔斯坦
This talk will focus on the primary health impacts of climate change in California, 它的影响, 以及在当地的宣传机会, regional and state levels and the ways in which the California health community can come together to create change. 


在本次研讨会中,买球app软件下载将介绍新的烧伤护理证据. We will discuss the concept of twenty minutes of cool running water for burn first aid and whether there is any benefit to unroofing blisters secondary to burns and friction.

This will be a workshop focused on real-life issues with regards to helping children enjoy the most remote of settings safely. It will cover multiple practical situations with a conversations on salient points for both parents and medical professionals.

We will go over various techniques for managing wounds in resource-poor environments, where you may be the most qualified person available to care for the patient. 买球app软件下载会讲到出血控制, 伤口清创术, 缝合, 延迟初级关闭, 处理被污染和感染的伤口, 以及处理慢性伤口并发症,如瘘管, 瘢痕疙瘩, 和挛缩.

Dr. 盖尔Kouklis
This session will touch on presentation and management of environmental exposure with a focus on changing climate and how the distribution of these exposures and injuries is similarly changing.

Join us for a dive into the world of snakes, ticks, spiders and other creatures! 买球app软件下载来看看不同的识别模式, disease processes and current treatment options for many of the planet's dangerous inhabitants. 你不会想错过的!

Avalanches and Climate Change: Risk Assessment and Medical Management in a Changing Climate.
Dr. 特里·埃亨
探索雪崩之间的复杂关系, 气候变化和越来越多的偏远地区用户. Learn basic risk mitigation strategies and review medical management of avalanche victims.

吉娜·谢苗诺夫斯卡娅,医学博士,FAWM, ISTM
Small group case discussion reviewing the principles and approaches to evaluating, diagnosing and treating patients presenting with a fever secondary to travel-related illness.

Tenets of Search and Rescue, Navigation and Surviving the Unexpected in the Wilderness
Dr. 凯尔·希尔
买球app软件下载将介绍如何在荒野中生存的基本知识, 涵盖与导航相关的大量主题, SAR和准备的艺术. 

营地里有医生吗? 在偏远地区当营地医生
Dr. 阿曼达·米尔斯坦
This workshop will cover some basics of what it's like to volunteer as a camp doctor in Yosemite  from the perspective of a pediatrician-- focusing on commonly seen illnesses and situations as well as some of the more interesting things that come up. 请加入! 

Cultivating Discussion Around Migrant Populations and Access to Healthcare: Perspectives from a Front-Line Doctor
Dr. 阿里•亨特 
We will dive into the realities and experiences of front-line work with migrant populations, how to provide adequate care in our current healthcare system and how to get involved!

Our goal will be to discuss unique situational impacts to medical decision making from various disasters in the changing world. We will review the START protocol and legalities with exceptions important to managing patients in these realities. 

Approach to the Injured Patient in the Wilderness: Musculoskeletal Injury Management
Tony (Arthur) Islas, MD & 迈克·查韦斯,医学博士
We will go over the on site evaluation of lower and upper extremity injuries including fracture and dislocations / relocations. We will also discuss appropriate treatment for neck injuries in the wilderness setting.

Tatiana Havryliuk, MD, FAWM
在这两个小时的讲座和实践工作坊中, I will provide scenarios from my own experience working in remote areas and hypothetical cases where point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) was essential. 买球app软件下载将讨论POCUS的不同应用, 它可以帮助回答什么问题, and what one should consider when traveling with a POCUS device in austere environments.